updated 2023-04-24
Regional Scouting Events
Brotherhood Camporee
 1993 Brotherhood Camporee
 1997 Brotherhood Camporee
 1998 Brotherhood Camporee
 1999 Brotherhood Camporee
 2000 Brotherhood Camporee
 2001 Brotherhood Camporee
 2003 Brotherhood Camporee
 2009 Brotherhood Camporee
 2014 Brotherhood Camporee
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Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2005 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2008 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2015 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2016 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2017 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2018 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
 2019 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp
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Fort York Boy Scout Campaign
 1984 Fort York Boy Scout Weekend
 1986 Fort York Boy Scout Campaign
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Scout Brigade of Fort George
 1987 Fort George Scout Campaign
 1988 Fort George Scout Campaign (chenille)
 1989 Fort George Scout Campaign
 1989 Fort George Scout Campaign (Chenille)
 1991 Fort George Scout Campaign (Chenille)
 1992 Fort George Scout Campaign
 1992 Fort George Scout Campaign (Chenille)
 1993 Fort George Scout Campaign (Chenille)
 1995 Fort George Scout Campaign (Chenille)
 1997 Fort George Scout Campaign (Chenille)
 1998 Fort George Scout Militia
 2000 Fort George Scout Campaign
 2000 Fort George Scout Militia (Chenille)
 2001 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2001 Scout Brigade of Fort George (Chenille)
 2003 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2004 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2005 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2006 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2008 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2010 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2011 Scout Brigade of Fort George Winter Camp
 2013 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2014 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2016 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2017 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2019 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2019 Scout Brigade of Fort George Winter
 2021 Scout Brigade of Fort George Winter
 SBFG US 6th Regiment Shako Plate
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Gilwell Reunions
 1991 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1993 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1994 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1995 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1997 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
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Operation Alert
 1983 Operation Alert
 1984 Operation Alert
 1986 Operation Alert
 1988 Operation Alert
 1989 Operation Alert
 1991 Operation Alert
 1995 Operation Alert
 1996 Operation Alert
 1997 Operation Alert
 1998 Operation Alert
 1999 Operation Alert
 2001 Operation Alert
 2002 Operation Alert
 2003 Operation Alert
 2004 Operation Alert
 2007 Operation Alert
 2008 Operation Alert
 2009 Operation Alert
 2010 Operation Alert
 2012 Operation Alert
 2013 Operation Alert
 2014 Operation Alert
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White Pine Wood Badge
 2011 White Pine Woodbadge II
 2013 White Pine Woodbadge II
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Various Regional Scouting Events
 1958 Silver Arrowhead Reunion
 1959 Silver Arrowhead Reunion
 1986 Sarnia International Camporee
 1987 Sarnia International Camporee
 1989 Sarnia International Camporee
 1990 Sarnia International Camporee
 1994 Sarnia International Camporee
 2002 Dorcheter International Camporee Camp
 2003 Dorcheter International Camporee Camp
 2004 Dorcheter International Camporee Camp
 2006 Can-Am Friendship Camporee
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