updated 2023-04-24
13th Canadian Jamboree - Elderbank, NS 2017
 CJ'17 - 13th Canadian Jamboree
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Participant [CJ JAMB 13a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13a_2703_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Participant [CJ JAMB 13a]
 CJ'17 Lobster
 CJ'17 Puffy
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 CJ'17 Collector Set - Centennial Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set - Freedom Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set - Fundy Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set - Ganaraska Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set - Gold Rush Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set - Le P'tit Train du Nord Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set - Trans Canada Trail
 CJ'17 Collector Set Centre
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Centennial Trail [CJ JAMB 13-02a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-2a_2735_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Centennial Trail [CJ JAMB 13-02a]
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Freedom Trail [CJ JAMB 13-03a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-3a_2734_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Freedom Trail [CJ JAMB 13-03a]
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Fundy Trail [CJ JAMB 13-04a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-4a_2730_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Fundy Trail [CJ JAMB 13-04a]
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Ganaraska Trail [CJ JAMB 13-05a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-5a_2733_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Ganaraska Trail [CJ JAMB 13-05a]
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Gold Rush Trail [CJ JAMB 13-06a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-6a_2736_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Gold Rush Trail [CJ JAMB 13-06a]
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Le P'tit Train Du Nord Trail [CJ JAMB 13-07a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-7a_2732_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Le P'tit Train Du Nord Trail [CJ JAMB 13-07a]
![Click to enlarge CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Trans Canada Trail [CJ JAMB 13-08a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ2017\CJJamb13-8a_2731_th.jpg) CJ'17 13th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Trans Canada Trail [CJ JAMB 13-08a]
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Provincial Contingents
 CJ'17 Alberta Councils - 1 piece
 CJ'17 Alberta Councils - 3 piece
 CJ'17 Alberta Councils - OOS
 CJ'17 Atlantic Councils
 CJ'17 Atlantic Councils Ghost
 CJ'17 British Columbia Yukon Contingent
 CJ'17 Manitoba Council
 CJ'17 New Brunswick Council
 CJ'17 Newfoundland & Labrador
 CJ'17 Newfoundland & Labrador Ghost
 CJ'17 Northwest Territories Scouts
 CJ'17 Northwest Territories Venturers
 CJ'17 Nova Scotia Council
 CJ'17 Prince Edward Island Council
 CJ'17 Quebec Council
 CJ'17 Saskatchewan Contingent
 CJ'17 Saskatchewan Contingent Large
 CJ'17 Yukon
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Council Contingents
 CJ'17 Battlefields Council
 CJ'17 Battlefields Council Blood
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - Burlington Area
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - Credit Hills Area
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - Mississauga Area
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - North Waterloo Area
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - Oakville Area
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - Wellington Area
 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council - Yellow Briar Area
 CJ'17 Greater Toronto Council
 CJ'17 Shining Waters Council
 CJ'17 Tri-Shores Council
 CJ'17 Tri-Shores Council OOS
 CJ'17 Voyageur Council
 CJ'17 Voyageur Council - Ghost
 CJ'17 Voyageur Council Camp Nedooae
 CJ'17 Voyageur Council OOS
 CJ'17 White PIne Council
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Area Contingents
 CJ'17 Hamilton Wentworth Contingent
 CJ'17 Hamilton Wentworth Contingent - Centre
 CJ'17 Hamilton Wentworth Contingent - Centre Ghost
 CJ'17 Owasco Area
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Group Contingents
 CJ'17 1st Restview
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 CJ'17 Central Escarpment Council Precamp - 3 piece
 CJ'17 Greater Toronto Council Precamp - 3 piece
 CJ'17 Shining Waters Council Pre-Camp
 CJ'17 Tri Shores Council Precamp - 3 piece
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Other Badges
 CJ'17 3-piece - WOSM
 CJ'17 Archery
 CJ'17 Canadian Fellowship of BP Guild
 CJ'17 Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
 CJ'17 Parking Control
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 CJ'17 Necker
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