2015 Adventureland
 2016 Adventureland
 2017 Scout Popcorn - Thank You
 Camp Everton
![Click to enlarge Tri-county [NS T01b]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Tri-county [NS T01b]
 2021 Scout Brigade of Fort George Winter
 Camp Everton
 Camp Everton
 Camp Everton
![Click to enlarge 1987 - 7th New Brunswick Jamboree Malseet Sub-camp [NB JAMB 07-2a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1987 - 7th New Brunswick Jamboree Malseet Sub-camp [NB JAMB 07-2a]
 1996 Apple Day NWO
 2020 - 21 Beaver Scouts Sharing Sharing Sharing
 2020 - 21 Cub Scouts Do Your Best
 2020 - 21 Scouter Be Prepared
 2002 - 6th Quebec Jamboree - 6
 2020 Woodland Trails
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Canoeing Bronze
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Canoeing Gold
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Canoeing Silver
 Camp Manitou
![Click to enlarge Etobicoke Central [ON E04a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Etobicoke Central [ON E04a]
![Click to enlarge Wild Rose District [AB W01b]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Wild Rose District [AB W01b]
 1977 Burl-Oak Camp Manitou
 1962 Oxtrail Bushwackers
 2020 - 21 Rover Scouts Go Beyond
 2020 - 21 Scouts Be Prepared
 2020 - 21 Venturer Scouts Challenge
![Click to enlarge 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Bear [NB JAMB 06-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Bear [NB JAMB 06-1a]
![Click to enlarge 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Beaver [NB JAMB 06-2a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Beaver [NB JAMB 06-2a]
![Click to enlarge 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Fox [NB JAMB 06-3a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Fox [NB JAMB 06-3a]
![Click to enlarge 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Otter [NB JAMB 06-4a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1984 - 6th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Otter [NB JAMB 06-4a]
![Click to enlarge 1995 - 9th New Brunswick Jamboree Hat Badge [NB JAMB 09-5a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1995 - 9th New Brunswick Jamboree Hat Badge [NB JAMB 09-5a]
 2002 - 6th Quebec Jamboree - 3
 2002 - 6th Quebec Jamboree - 4
 2002 - 6th Quebec Jamboree - 5
 I Survived!
![Click to enlarge Napanee Valley [ON N05c]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\ICS_th.jpg) Napanee Valley [ON N05c]
 1992 Trail's End Popcorn
 2006 Goodyear Memorial Scout Camp
 2008 Huck Finn Raft Race
![Click to enlarge 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp 880 Sqn [NS JAMB 05-2a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp 880 Sqn [NS JAMB 05-2a.2]
![Click to enlarge 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp 881 Sqn [NS JAMB 05-2a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp 881 Sqn [NS JAMB 05-2a.3]
![Click to enlarge 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp N.S.S. Bonaventure Centre [NS JAMB 05-2a.1]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp N.S.S. Bonaventure Centre [NS JAMB 05-2a.1]
 2009 Huck Finn Raft Race
 2010 Huck Finn Raft Race
 2011 Camp Barnard
 2016 Huck Finn Raft Race
 2017 Huck Finn Raft Race
 1981 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1989 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1995 Camp Wetaskiwin
 2004 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2005 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2017 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 2019 Volunteer
 2020 Protecting Plants in Canada
 2020 Volunteer
 Scout Coffee - Puts the B-I . . .
 Scout Coffee - Puts the Boom Chicka . . .
 Scout Coffee - Puts the Ging Gang . . .
 Scout Coffee - Puts the Hokey . . .
 Scout Coffee - Puts the John Jacob . . .
 Scout Coffee - Puts the Kookaburra . . .
 2021 Jamboree on the Trail
 2021 Scout Popcorn
![Click to enlarge Manitoba Scouting Celebrates 100 Years [MB COMM 01a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Manitoba Scouting Celebrates 100 Years [MB COMM 01a]
 Don't Complain Camp in the Rain
 I'm a Camping Nut
![Click to enlarge Nepean - End of an Era [ON N17d.x]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Nepean - End of an Era [ON N17d.x]
 Tidy Camper Award
 Welcome to My Site
 WJ'95 Canada Contingent
 2020 Camp Opemikon
 1975 Operation Alert
 1971 Camp Samac
 1971-72 Camp Samac 25 Anniversary
 1975 Camp Samac Adventure Base
 1992 Owasco Kub Kar Derby
 1994 Owasco Kub Kar Derby
 2000 Owasco Kub Kar Derby
 Camp Samac
 Camp Samac
 Camp Samac Adventure Base
 Wolf Cubs Canada
 1997 Oxtrail Scout Camp
 2000 Oxtrail Scout Camp
 Oxtrail Helper
 2006 We Survived the Haliburton Tornados
 2006 We Survived the Haliburton Tornados - G.I.T.D.
![Click to enlarge Calgary Regional Council 60th [AB C01-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Calgary Regional Council 60th [AB C01-1a]
![Click to enlarge District Du Cuivre [ASC C05a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) District Du Cuivre [ASC C05a]
![Click to enlarge Manitoba [MB 01b]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Manitoba [MB 01b]
![Click to enlarge Manitoba And N.w.ontario Council [MB 02a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Manitoba And N.w.ontario Council [MB 02a]
![Click to enlarge Montreal [ASC M01d]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Montreal [ASC M01d]
![Click to enlarge Ontario [ON 01d]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Ontario [ON 01d]
![Click to enlarge Ottawa [ASC O01b]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Ottawa [ASC O01b]
![Click to enlarge Sault Ste Marie [ON S03c]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Sault Ste Marie [ON S03c]
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Life Guard
![Click to enlarge 1979 - 3rd British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree Monashee Subcamp [BC JAMB 03-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1979 - 3rd British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree Monashee Subcamp [BC JAMB 03-1a]
 1978 Operation Alert
![Click to enlarge 1965 - 1st Quebec Jamboree Necker [QC JAMB 01a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) 1965 - 1st Quebec Jamboree Necker [QC JAMB 01a.x]
 1991 - 8th New Brunswick Jamboree Award
![Click to enlarge 1991 - 8th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Charlotte [NB JAMB 08-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\ICS_th.jpg) 1991 - 8th New Brunswick Jamboree Sub Camp Charlotte [NB JAMB 08-1a]
 2011 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 2014 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 2019 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
![Click to enlarge Fort Victoria [BC F02a]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) Fort Victoria [BC F02a]
 CJ'97 90 Years (circle)
![Click to enlarge Kingston District City's 300th Anniv. [ON K04-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONK04-1a_5340_th.jpg) Kingston District City's 300th Anniv. [ON K04-1a]
 1977 Pine Ridge Cuboree
 1989 Camp Opemikon
 1991 Camp Opemikon
 1992 Camp Opemikon
 2012 Camp Opemikon
 2014 Camp Opemikon
![Click to enlarge CJ'01 10th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Caribou [CJ JAMB 10-3a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\INA_th.jpg) CJ'01 10th Canadian Jamboree Subcamp Caribou [CJ JAMB 10-3a.2]
 1974 Camp Opemikon
 Goodyear Memorial Camp
 Sea Otter
 1968 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1970 Camp Byng
 1970 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1971 Camp Byng
 2010 Camp Barnard
 Camp Chester
 Camp Gardner
 Camp Samac
 Camp Shegardaynou
 Everton Scout Forest
![Click to enlarge Oakville [ON O01e]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\ICS_th.jpg) Oakville [ON O01e]
![Click to enlarge Oshawa District [ON O03e]](..\imgsrb\th\Various\ICS_th.jpg) Oshawa District [ON O03e]
 Scouts Toronto Scout House
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Rugged Road - Gold
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - 100 Years
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - 3 Season Camping
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Camping D'Hiver
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Reconnaissance des Service
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Service Award
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Service Award Gold
 2012 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp - Gold
 2013 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp - Gold
 Anglican Church
 CJ'07 Gilwell Park Subcamp Cane Plate
 Killer Whale
 1974 Frontierland Oba-Sa-Teeka
 2014 Adventureland
 Camp Nemo
 I HICOPed at Camp Nemo
 Nemo Scout Camp 50th Annivessary
![Click to enlarge 1974 - 2nd Newfoundland and Labrador Jamboree [NL JAMB 02a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\NLJamb02a_5297_th.jpg) 1974 - 2nd Newfoundland and Labrador Jamboree [NL JAMB 02a]
![Click to enlarge 2005 - 3rd Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp Gondor [NS JAMB 04-2a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\NSJamb04-2a_5307_th.jpg) 2005 - 3rd Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp Gondor [NS JAMB 04-2a]
![Click to enlarge Camosun District Victoria [BC C13a]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC13a_5279_th.jpg) Camosun District Victoria [BC C13a]
 Big Horn Sheep
 Snow Leopard
 Mountain Lion
 Polar Bear
 2000 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp Backpatch
 2008 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp Backpatch
 Camping is a Gas
 I'm a Happy Camper
 We Survived Camping in HIGH TEMP Weather
 1990 Camp Wetaskiwin
![Click to enlarge 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Indigo [BC JAMB 10a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb10ax_5209_th.jpg) 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Indigo [BC JAMB 10a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Atlantis - Blue [BC JAMB 10-1a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb10-1ax_5210_th.jpg) 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Atlantis - Blue [BC JAMB 10-1a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Downunder - Brown [BC JAMB 10-2a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb10-2ax_5211_th.jpg) 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Downunder - Brown [BC JAMB 10-2a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp El Dorado - Yellow [BC JAMB 10-3a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb10-3ax_5212_th.jpg) 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp El Dorado - Yellow [BC JAMB 10-3a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Sherwood Forest - Green [BC JAMB 10-4a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb10-4ax_5213_th.jpg) 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Sherwood Forest - Green [BC JAMB 10-4a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Zulu - Red [BC JAMB 10-5a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb10-5ax_5214_th.jpg) 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Sub-camp Zulu - Red [BC JAMB 10-5a.x]
 2007 - 10th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree Backpatch
![Click to enlarge 1952 - 3rd Saskatchewan Jamboree [SK JAMB 03a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\SKJamb03a_5236_th.jpg) 1952 - 3rd Saskatchewan Jamboree [SK JAMB 03a]
 1995 - 9th Alberta Jamboree Service Staff
 2020 Camp Bernard
 1977 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1978 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1982 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1984 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1985 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1985 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1987 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1992 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2008 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2013 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2014 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2015 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 CJ'13 Yukon-Ghost
 2011 Scout Popcorn $600 Club
 Blue Springs Scout Reserve - Scenes Centre - Campfire
 Blue Jay
 Moose (Dark Blue)
 Moose (Light Blue)
 Polar Bear
![Click to enlarge Bathurst District [NB B01d.x]](..\imgsrb\th\NB\NBB01dx_5244_th.jpg) Bathurst District [NB B01d.x]
![Click to enlarge Viking District [NL V01a.4]](..\imgsrb\th\NL\NLV01a_5243_th.jpg) Viking District [NL V01a.4]
 1982 Haliburton Scout Reserve Alders Camporee
 CJ'07 Yukon-Shadow
 Camp Byng
 WJ'75 14th World Jamboree
 CJ'93 8th Canadian Jamboree Staff
![Click to enlarge Northwest Territories & Nunavut 2001 [NT 02a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\NT\NT02ax_5147_th.jpg) Northwest Territories & Nunavut 2001 [NT 02a.x]
 1955 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1959 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1972 Apple Day
 1972 Apple Day Albion
 1981 Camp Opemikon
 2017 Camp Opemikon
 Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs
 Boy Scouts Apple Day
![Click to enlarge CCJ'10 2nd Canadian Cub Jamboree [CJ CUBS 02a]](..\imgsrb\th\NatEvents\CJCubs02a_5157_th.jpg) CCJ'10 2nd Canadian Cub Jamboree [CJ CUBS 02a]
![Click to enlarge 1987 - 7th Alberta Jamboree Indaba [AB JAMB 07a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\ABJamb07x_5163_th.jpg) 1987 - 7th Alberta Jamboree Indaba [AB JAMB 07a.x]
 1999 - 10th Alberta Jamboree - Thank You
![Click to enlarge Burlington 100 Anniversary [ON B07-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONB07-1a_0133_th.jpg) Burlington 100 Anniversary [ON B07-1a]
![Click to enlarge Pictou County District Council [NS P01g.2]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSP01g2_8814_th.jpg) Pictou County District Council [NS P01g.2]
 2017 Huck Finn Raft Race
![Click to enlarge Cobourg District [ON C03f]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONC03f_5139_th.jpg) Cobourg District [ON C03f]
![Click to enlarge Latter Day Saints [CA 05c]](..\imgsrb\th\CA\CA05c_5141_th.jpg) Latter Day Saints [CA 05c]
![Click to enlarge North Peace District [BC N02b]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCN02b_5137_th.jpg) North Peace District [BC N02b]
![Click to enlarge Ontario [ON 01f]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ON01f_5142_th.jpg) Ontario [ON 01f]
![Click to enlarge Overseas Neckerchief Badge [CA 01c]](..\imgsrb\th\CA\CA01c_5135_th.jpg) Overseas Neckerchief Badge [CA 01c]
![Click to enlarge Saskatchewan Jubilee 1955 [SK 02a]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SK02a_5138_th.jpg) Saskatchewan Jubilee 1955 [SK 02a]
![Click to enlarge Simcoe Phoenix [ON S34c]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS34c_5140_th.jpg) Simcoe Phoenix [ON S34c]
![Click to enlarge Tri-shores Council [ON 07c]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ON07c_5136_th.jpg) Tri-shores Council [ON 07c]
 1976 Brotherhood Camporee
 1991 Brotherhood Camporee
 2019 Camp Opemikon
![Click to enlarge Burnaby Burrard [BC B04a]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCB04a_5046_th.jpg) Burnaby Burrard [BC B04a]
 Camp Oba-Sa-Teeka Eager Beaver Club Bronze
![Click to enlarge Split Rock District [ON S16b]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS16b_5048_th.jpg) Split Rock District [ON S16b]
![Click to enlarge St. John's District [NL S01a]](..\imgsrb\th\NL\NLS01a_5049_th.jpg) St. John's District [NL S01a]
![Click to enlarge Yukon 75th Anniversary [BC Y01-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCY01-1a_5045_th.jpg) Yukon 75th Anniversary [BC Y01-1a]
![Click to enlarge 1968 - 1st Arctic & Northern Jamboree Touque Badge [AB JAMB 10-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\ABJamb10-1a_5001_th.jpg) 1968 - 1st Arctic & Northern Jamboree Touque Badge [AB JAMB 10-1a]
![Click to enlarge Sanikiluag [NT S01a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\NT\NTS01a_5057_th.jpg) Sanikiluag [NT S01a.2]
 1986 Huck Finn Raft Race
 WJ'19 I Survived
 WJ'19 World Jamborees in North America
![Click to enlarge Northern Lights Council Alberta Nwt [AB 09b]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\AB09b_4992_th.jpg) Northern Lights Council Alberta Nwt [AB 09b]
![Click to enlarge Alberta [AB 01i.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\AB01i_5036_th.jpg) Alberta [AB 01i.2]
![Click to enlarge Association Des Scouts Du Canada [ASC 01a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASC01a_5086_th.jpg) Association Des Scouts Du Canada [ASC 01a.2]
![Click to enlarge Bogside Richmond [BC B10b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCB10b_5164_th.jpg) Bogside Richmond [BC B10b.2]
![Click to enlarge Brant [ON B13b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONB13b_5075_th.jpg) Brant [ON B13b.3]
![Click to enlarge British Columbia [BC 01c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BC01c_5002_th.jpg) British Columbia [BC 01c.2]
![Click to enlarge Burlington District [ON B07b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONB07b_5025_th.jpg) Burlington District [ON B07b.2]
![Click to enlarge Burnaby Lake District [BC B01a]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCB01a_5106_th.jpg) Burnaby Lake District [BC B01a]
![Click to enlarge Cape Breton [NS C01a.4]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSC01a_5067_th.jpg) Cape Breton [NS C01a.4]
![Click to enlarge Cardston District [AB C02c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABC02c_5080_th.jpg) Cardston District [AB C02c.2]
![Click to enlarge Central Surrey [BC C10a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC10a_5003_th.jpg) Central Surrey [BC C10a.2]
![Click to enlarge Champlain District [ON C01b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONC01b_5024_th.jpg) Champlain District [ON C01b.3]
![Click to enlarge Charlotte County District [NB C03b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\NB\NBC03b_5096_th.jpg) Charlotte County District [NB C03b.2]
 CJ'17 1st Mary Queen of Peace
 CJ'17 Belleville Scout - Guide Museum
 CJ'17 China Contingent
 CJ'17 Hamilton Wentworth Contingent
 CJ'17 Hamilton Wentworth Contingent - Centre
 CJ'17 Hamilton Wentworth Contingent - Centre Ghost
 CJ'17 Manitoba Council - Centre
 CJ'17 Necker - Ganaraska Trail Subcamp - Blue
 CJ'81 Chatam District
 CJ'81 Oshawa District
 CJ'81 Precamp
 CJ'81 Quebec Ambassador
![Click to enlarge Coquitlam [BC C07e.5]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC07e_5058_th.jpg) Coquitlam [BC C07e.5]
![Click to enlarge Courtenay District [NB C04a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\NB\NBC04a_5068_th.jpg) Courtenay District [NB C04a.2]
![Click to enlarge Cranbrook District [BC C15a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC15a_5059_th.jpg) Cranbrook District [BC C15a.3]
![Click to enlarge Cree [SK C02a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKC02a_5077_th.jpg) Cree [SK C02a.2]
![Click to enlarge Dartmouth Region [NS D03a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSD03a_5066_th.jpg) Dartmouth Region [NS D03a.2]
![Click to enlarge Discovery Passage District [BC D02a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCD02a_5060_th.jpg) Discovery Passage District [BC D02a.2]
![Click to enlarge Dufferin [ON D05a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\OND05a_5074_th.jpg) Dufferin [ON D05a.3]
![Click to enlarge East Kootenay Area [BC E07a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCE07a_5061_th.jpg) East Kootenay Area [BC E07a.2]
![Click to enlarge East Vancouver [BC E01c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCE01c_5004_th.jpg) East Vancouver [BC E01c.2]
![Click to enlarge Edmonton [AB E01a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABE01a_5079_th.jpg) Edmonton [AB E01a.2]
![Click to enlarge Elgin [ON E02a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONE02a_5073_th.jpg) Elgin [ON E02a]
![Click to enlarge England Regina [SK E02a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKE02a_5099_th.jpg) England Regina [SK E02a.2]
![Click to enlarge Essex District [ON E03c.x]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONE03cx_5128_th.jpg) Essex District [ON E03c.x]
![Click to enlarge Estrie [ASC E02a]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCE02a_5038_th.jpg) Estrie [ASC E02a]
![Click to enlarge Federation Du Quebec [ASC Q02b]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCQ02b_5085_th.jpg) Federation Du Quebec [ASC Q02b]
![Click to enlarge Flag [CA 02d.1]](..\imgsrb\th\CA\CA02d_4996_th.jpg) Flag [CA 02d.1]
![Click to enlarge Garry Oak [BC G01c.3]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCG01c_5062_th.jpg) Garry Oak [BC G01c.3]
![Click to enlarge Gateway North Prince Albert Sask. [SK P03b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKP03b1_8380_th.jpg) Gateway North Prince Albert Sask. [SK P03b.3]
![Click to enlarge Hamilton-Wentworth [ON H18a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONH18a_5072_th.jpg) Hamilton-Wentworth [ON H18a.2]
![Click to enlarge Heritage [AB H03a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABH03a_5035_th.jpg) Heritage [AB H03a.3]
![Click to enlarge Huron District [ON H05c.4]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONH05c_5023_th.jpg) Huron District [ON H05c.4]
![Click to enlarge Jamekinac [ASC JAMB 03-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\ASCJamb03-1a_5120_th.jpg) Jamekinac [ASC JAMB 03-1a]
![Click to enlarge Kennebecasis District [NB K01a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\NB\NBK01a_5008_th.jpg) Kennebecasis District [NB K01a.3]
![Click to enlarge Kent District [ON K05b.1]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONK05b_5022_th.jpg) Kent District [ON K05b.1]
![Click to enlarge Kings [NS K01c.4]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSK01c_5007_th.jpg) Kings [NS K01c.4]
![Click to enlarge La Pointe [ASC L02a]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCL02a_5039_th.jpg) La Pointe [ASC L02a]
![Click to enlarge Lanaudiere [ASC L03a]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCL03a_5084_th.jpg) Lanaudiere [ASC L03a]
![Click to enlarge Landing Trail [AB L05a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABL05a_5034_th.jpg) Landing Trail [AB L05a.2]
![Click to enlarge Manitoba [MB 01j.2]](..\imgsrb\th\MB\MB01j_5028_th.jpg) Manitoba [MB 01j.2]
![Click to enlarge Medicine Hat District [AB M02b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABM02b_5033_th.jpg) Medicine Hat District [AB M02b.3]
![Click to enlarge Mississauga [ON M10a.6]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONM10a_5097_th.jpg) Mississauga [ON M10a.6]
![Click to enlarge Mississauga [ON M10a.7]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONM10a_5098_th.jpg) Mississauga [ON M10a.7]
![Click to enlarge Montreal [ASC M01e]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCM01e_5083_th.jpg) Montreal [ASC M01e]
![Click to enlarge National Capital Region [ON N13b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONN13b_5019_th.jpg) National Capital Region [ON N13b.2]
![Click to enlarge New Brunswick [NB 01k.3]](..\imgsrb\th\NB\NB01k_5069_th.jpg) New Brunswick [NB 01k.3]
![Click to enlarge North Halton District [ON N12a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONN12a_5020_th.jpg) North Halton District [ON N12a.3]
![Click to enlarge North Peace District [BC N02a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCN02a_5063_th.jpg) North Peace District [BC N02a.3]
![Click to enlarge North Waterloo [ON N03f.1]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONN03f_5021_th.jpg) North Waterloo [ON N03f.1]
![Click to enlarge Northern Alberta Region [AB N04e.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABN04e_5032_th.jpg) Northern Alberta Region [AB N04e.2]
![Click to enlarge Northwest Territories [NT 01g.2]](..\imgsrb\th\NT\NT01g_5006_th.jpg) Northwest Territories [NT 01g.2]
![Click to enlarge Oliver Regina [SK O01c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKO01b_5031_th.jpg) Oliver Regina [SK O01c.2]
![Click to enlarge Ontario [ON 01h.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ON01h_5026_th.jpg) Ontario [ON 01h.2]
![Click to enlarge Ontario [ON 01h.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ON01h_5027_th.jpg) Ontario [ON 01h.3]
![Click to enlarge Ottawa [ASC O01c]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCO01c_5037_th.jpg) Ottawa [ASC O01c]
![Click to enlarge Owasco [ON O05c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONO05c_5018_th.jpg) Owasco [ON O05c.2]
![Click to enlarge Pipestone District [SK P04a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKP04a_5076_th.jpg) Pipestone District [SK P04a.3]
![Click to enlarge Point Division Essex District [ON P13a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONP13a_5041_th.jpg) Point Division Essex District [ON P13a.2]
![Click to enlarge Prairie Gold [SK P01c.3]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKP01c_5030_th.jpg) Prairie Gold [SK P01c.3]
![Click to enlarge Prince Edward County [ON P07b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONP07b_5040_th.jpg) Prince Edward County [ON P07b.3]
![Click to enlarge Quebec [ASC Q01f]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCQ01f_5081_th.jpg) Quebec [ASC Q01f]
![Click to enlarge Quebec District [QC Q01c]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCQ01c_5070_th.jpg) Quebec District [QC Q01c]
![Click to enlarge Region De Montreal [ASC M08a]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCM08a_5082_th.jpg) Region De Montreal [ASC M08a]
![Click to enlarge Rideau Lakes [ON R02b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONR02b_5042_th.jpg) Rideau Lakes [ON R02b.2]
![Click to enlarge Sarnia [ON S01a.4]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS01a_5017_th.jpg) Sarnia [ON S01a.4]
![Click to enlarge Saskatchewan [ASC S10a]](..\imgsrb\th\ASC\ASCS10a_5104_th.jpg) Saskatchewan [ASC S10a]
![Click to enlarge Scarboro West [ON S05b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS05b_5016_th.jpg) Scarboro West [ON S05b.2]
![Click to enlarge South Frontenac District [ON S07e.1]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS07e1_8194_th.jpg) South Frontenac District [ON S07e.1]
![Click to enlarge St. Albert [AB S13a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABS13a_5078_th.jpg) St. Albert [AB S13a.2]
![Click to enlarge St. Catherines & Dist. [ON S11c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS11c_5015_th.jpg) St. Catherines & Dist. [ON S11c.2]
![Click to enlarge St. Clair [ON S12b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS12b_5014_th.jpg) St. Clair [ON S12b.3]
![Click to enlarge Sunshine Coast [BC S09b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCS09b_5064_th.jpg) Sunshine Coast [BC S09b.2]
![Click to enlarge Sydenham District [ON S18e.6]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS18e_5013_th.jpg) Sydenham District [ON S18e.6]
![Click to enlarge Toronto Scouts [ON T09a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONT09a_5071_th.jpg) Toronto Scouts [ON T09a.2]
![Click to enlarge Trinity-Placentia District [NL T01a.3]](..\imgsrb\th\NL\NLT01a_5065_th.jpg) Trinity-Placentia District [NL T01a.3]
![Click to enlarge Vancouver Coast Region [BC V02a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCV02a_5005_th.jpg) Vancouver Coast Region [BC V02a.2]
![Click to enlarge West Durham District [ON W08b.4]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONW08b_5009_th.jpg) West Durham District [ON W08b.4]
![Click to enlarge Whitby District [ON W06a.5]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONW06a_5010_th.jpg) Whitby District [ON W06a.5]
![Click to enlarge Windsor [ON W04b]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONW04b_5012_th.jpg) Windsor [ON W04b]
 WJ'67 12th World Jamboree
 WJ'79 Join In Jamboree
 WJ'79 UK Contingent
 WJ'79 Woggle
 WJ'83 Large
 WJ'83 New Brunswick Contingent
 WJ'83 Quebec Contingent
 WJ'83 Saskatchewan Contingent
 WJ'83 Scouts on Stamps Society
 WJ'83 Sticker
 WJ'83 Wolf Subcamp
 WJ'87 16th Word Jamboree Mondial Large
 2020 Jamboree on the Trail
![Click to enlarge Cubs 1916-2016 Northern Lights Council [AB COMM 01a]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABComm01a_5122_th.jpg) Cubs 1916-2016 Northern Lights Council [AB COMM 01a]
 2011 Owasco Area Floor Hockey Tournament
 1968 Camp Byng
 1974 Camp Byng
![Click to enlarge Chilliwack [BC C14a]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC14a_4995_th.jpg) Chilliwack [BC C14a]
![Click to enlarge Cowichan Valley [BC C11b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC11b_4997_th.jpg) Cowichan Valley [BC C11b.3]
![Click to enlarge Cranbrook District [BC C15a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCC15a_5053_th.jpg) Cranbrook District [BC C15a.2]
![Click to enlarge Shuswap District [BC S08a]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCS08a_4991_th.jpg) Shuswap District [BC S08a]
![Click to enlarge Welland [ON W01a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONW01a_4990_th.jpg) Welland [ON W01a]
 2020 Volunteer
![Click to enlarge Voyageur Council [ON 08e]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ON08e_5087_th.jpg) Voyageur Council [ON 08e]
 1960 Oxtrail Scout Camp
 1979 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1980 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1980 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1982 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1983 Camp Jackson Dodds Winter
 1984 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1985 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1986 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1987 Camp Jackson Dodds Winter
 1988 Camp Jackson Dodds
 1990 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1991 Camp Jackson Dodds
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Reconnaissance des Service - Gold
 75th Anniversary
 Camp Jackson Dodds Circa 1953
 Camp Jackson Dodds Tidy Camper Award
 I Survived Camping
![Click to enlarge Montreal Region (x2) [QC M03b]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCM03b_4965_th.jpg) Montreal Region (x2) [QC M03b]
![Click to enlarge Quebec (provincial) [QC 01b]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QC01b_4986_th.jpg) Quebec (provincial) [QC 01b]
![Click to enlarge Quebec Provincial Jacket Crest [QC MISC 01b]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCMisc01b_4968_th.jpg) Quebec Provincial Jacket Crest [QC MISC 01b]
![Click to enlarge Riverview 30th Anniversary [QC R01-1a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCR01-1x_4967_th.jpg) Riverview 30th Anniversary [QC R01-1a.x]
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Go Lightly
 WJ'39 5th World Jamboree
 2020 Scoutrees
 2010 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2011 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2012 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2017 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2018 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2019 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 1956 Mount Nemo Scout Camp
 1957 Mount Nemo Scout Camp
 1958 Mount Nemo Scout Camp - Brown
 1958 Mount Nemo Scout Camp - Green
 1958 Mount Nemo Scout Camp - White
 1959 Mount Nemo Scout Camp
 1961 Mount Nemo Scout Camp
 1963 Oxtrail Bushwackers
 1967 Camp Opemikon
 1973 Apple Day Wallaceburg
 1973 Camp Byng
 1975 Camp Byng
 1982 Brotherhood Camporee
 1983 Adventureland
 1989 Adventureland
 1992 Camp Byng
 1992 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1996 Camp Nemo 50th Anniversary
 1996 Goodyear Memorial Scout Camp
 2002 Camp Barnard
 2002 Camp Byng
![Click to enlarge 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp N.S.S. Bonaventure [NS JAMB 05-2a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\NSJamb05-2a_4941_th.jpg) 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree Subcamp N.S.S. Bonaventure [NS JAMB 05-2a]
 2010 Camp Sylvan 50th Anniversary
 2013 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2014 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2015 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2016 Jamboree on the Trail - AU
 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree -Special Events
 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree -Woggle
 2019 - 20 Cub Scouts Do Your Best
 2019 - 20 Venturer Scouts Challenge
 Apple Week I Helped Scouts Canada
 Apple Week I Helped Scouts Canada
![Click to enlarge Calgary Central [AB C09a]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABC09a_4904_th.jpg) Calgary Central [AB C09a]
 Camp Byng Service
 Camp Manitou
 Camp Nemo
 Camp Sylvan
![Click to enlarge Central Escarpment Region 1991-1997 [ON MISC 20a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONMisc20a_4957_th.jpg) Central Escarpment Region 1991-1997 [ON MISC 20a]
 CJ'13 MUSH Medical Services
 CJ'97 - Offsite Tours
![Click to enlarge Comanche District [SK C05b]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKC05b_4906_th.jpg) Comanche District [SK C05b]
 Detroit Area Council
![Click to enlarge Forest Lakes Area [NS F01a]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSF01a_4922_th.jpg) Forest Lakes Area [NS F01a]
![Click to enlarge Gander Bonavista North [NL G01a]](..\imgsrb\th\NL\NLG01a_4905_th.jpg) Gander Bonavista North [NL G01a]
![Click to enlarge Greater Victoria [BC G02a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCG02a_8916_th.jpg) Greater Victoria [BC G02a.2]
![Click to enlarge Lake Athabasca District [SK L02a]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKL02a_4912_th.jpg) Lake Athabasca District [SK L02a]
![Click to enlarge The Three Rivers District [AB T01a]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABT01a_4903_th.jpg) The Three Rivers District [AB T01a]
 1983 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1987 Camp Wetaskiwin
![Click to enlarge Battle River [AB B01a]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABB01a_4900_th.jpg) Battle River [AB B01a]
![Click to enlarge Huron Trail North [ON H10a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONH10a_4901_th.jpg) Huron Trail North [ON H10a]
![Click to enlarge Huron Trail West [ON H12b]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONH12b_4902_th.jpg) Huron Trail West [ON H12b]
 Year Bar Set
 2020 1st Uxbridge All Sections Camp - Myths & Legends
![Click to enlarge South West Nova [NS S06d]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSS06d_4959_th.jpg) South West Nova [NS S06d]
![Click to enlarge Wolf Cubs [CA 10h]](..\imgsrb\th\CA\CA10h_4960_th.jpg) Wolf Cubs [CA 10h]
 2019 Brotherhood Camporee
 2005 Goodyear Memorial Scout Camp
 2007 Camp Manitou
 2012 Goodyear Memorial Scout Camp
 2019 Apple Day Halifax Area
 Nemo Scout Camp
 CJ'97 Northwest Territory-Green
![Click to enlarge Mackenzie Delta District Jamboree [NT MISC 01a]](..\imgsrb\th\NT\NTMisc01a_4885_th.jpg) Mackenzie Delta District Jamboree [NT MISC 01a]
 2019 Apple Day
 Langley Park Scout Campground
![Click to enlarge White Pine Council [ON 09c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ON09c_4886_th.jpg) White Pine Council [ON 09c.2]
 1979 Apple Day Windsor
 2019 - 20 Beaver Scouts Sharing Sharing Sharing
 2019 - 20 Rover Scouts Go Beyond
 2019 - 20 Scouter Be Prepared
 2019 - 20 Scouts Be Prepared
 2019 Volunteer
![Click to enlarge Agincourt [ON A01h]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONA01h_4865_th.jpg) Agincourt [ON A01h]
![Click to enlarge Sunnybrook [ON S31f]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONS31f_4866_th.jpg) Sunnybrook [ON S31f]
 1961 Camp Tamaracouta
 1965 Camp Wetaskiwin
![Click to enlarge 1978 - Jam-anik [ASC JAMB 04a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\ASCJamb04a_4877_th.jpg) 1978 - Jam-anik [ASC JAMB 04a]
![Click to enlarge 2000 - 3rd Atlantique Federation Jamboree [ASC JAMB 12a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\ASCJamb12a_4878_th.jpg) 2000 - 3rd Atlantique Federation Jamboree [ASC JAMB 12a]
![Click to enlarge 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree World Brotherhood Fund [NS JAMB 05-1a.x2]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\NSJamb05-1ax2_4864_th.jpg) 2009 - 4th Nova Scotia Jamboree World Brotherhood Fund [NS JAMB 05-1a.x2]
![Click to enlarge Beaver Hill District [AB B02b]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABB02b_4862_th.jpg) Beaver Hill District [AB B02b]
![Click to enlarge Belleville District [ON B01a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONB01a_4855_th.jpg) Belleville District [ON B01a]
![Click to enlarge Black Gold District [SK B02a]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKB02a_4858_th.jpg) Black Gold District [SK B02a]
![Click to enlarge Fraser [BC F01b]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCF01b_4859_th.jpg) Fraser [BC F01b]
![Click to enlarge La Verendrye Trail District [MB L01a]](..\imgsrb\th\MB\MBL01a_4861_th.jpg) La Verendrye Trail District [MB L01a]
![Click to enlarge Lynn Valley [ON L02c]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONL02c_4854_th.jpg) Lynn Valley [ON L02c]
![Click to enlarge Montreal Region [QC M03b]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCM03b_4863_th.jpg) Montreal Region [QC M03b]
![Click to enlarge Peterbourough [ON P03a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONP03a_4853_th.jpg) Peterbourough [ON P03a]
![Click to enlarge Riverview [QC R01a]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCR01a_4857_th.jpg) Riverview [QC R01a]
![Click to enlarge Scouts [CA 09h]](..\imgsrb\th\CA\CA09h_4867_th.jpg) Scouts [CA 09h]
![Click to enlarge Zweibrucken Germany [CAFE Z01a]](..\imgsrb\th\CAFE\CAFEZ01a_4856_th.jpg) Zweibrucken Germany [CAFE Z01a]
 1965 Camp Tamaracouta
 1965 Camp Tamaracouta
 1967 Camp Tamaracouta
 1971 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 1973 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 1974 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 1975 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 1976 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 1977 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1979 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1979 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1981 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1981 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1982 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1983 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1987 - 5th Quebec Jamboree
 1988 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1988 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1989 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1989 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1990 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1991 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1991 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1993 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1993 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1994 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1994 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1996 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1997 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1997 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 1998 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1999 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2000 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2001 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2002 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2003 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2003 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2004 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2005 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2006 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2007 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2008 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2009 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2009 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2010 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2011 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2012 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 2012 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2013 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2014 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Canoeing Bronze
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Canoeing Silver
 2013 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 2019 Scout Popcorn
 1965 Woodland Trails Camp (alt)
 1975 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 1976 Camp Wetaskiwin
 1990 Trail's End Popcorn
 1995 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1996 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Summer
 1997 Apple Day NWO
![Click to enlarge 1999 - 1st Maritime Jamboree New Brunswick Subcamp [NB JAMB 10-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\NBJamb10-1a_4794_th.jpg) 1999 - 1st Maritime Jamboree New Brunswick Subcamp [NB JAMB 10-1a]
![Click to enlarge 1999 - 1st Maritime Jamboree New England Subcamp [NS JAMB 03-3a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\NSJamb03-3a_1977_th.jpg) 1999 - 1st Maritime Jamboree New England Subcamp [NS JAMB 03-3a]
 2000 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Winter
 2018 Gilwell Reunion Blue Springs
 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Canadian Badgers Club
 2019 Camp Manitou
 Boy Scouts Canada
 Camp Manitou
 Camp Wetaskiwin
 CJ'07 Boy Scouts of America
 CJ'81 Leather Card
 CJ'81 Leather Patch
 CJ'85 6th Canadian Jamboree
 Halton Triathalon 1985
![Click to enlarge Hamilton Rd. Division London [ON H13a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONH13a_4791_th.jpg) Hamilton Rd. Division London [ON H13a]
![Click to enlarge Kirkland Lake District [ON K03c]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONK03c_4774_th.jpg) Kirkland Lake District [ON K03c]
![Click to enlarge Lake Newell District [AB L03a]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\ABL03a_4773_th.jpg) Lake Newell District [AB L03a]
 Manitou Scout Camp
![Click to enlarge Springhill District [NS S01a]](..\imgsrb\th\NS\NSS01a_4767_th.jpg) Springhill District [NS S01a]
 WJ'19 Canadian Badgers Club
 Wolf Cubs Bandarlog
 Woodland Trails Camp Adventureland
![Click to enlarge Bannatyne [MB B01a]](..\imgsrb\th\MB\MBB01a_4786_th.jpg) Bannatyne [MB B01a]
![Click to enlarge Brandon District [MB B02a]](..\imgsrb\th\MB\MBB02a_4776_th.jpg) Brandon District [MB B02a]
![Click to enlarge Moose Jaw District [SK M01a]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKM01a_4778_th.jpg) Moose Jaw District [SK M01a]
![Click to enlarge Selby Regina [SK S02a]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKS02a_4780_th.jpg) Selby Regina [SK S02a]
![Click to enlarge St. John's District [MB S04a]](..\imgsrb\th\MB\MBS04a_4777_th.jpg) St. John's District [MB S04a]
![Click to enlarge St. Vital [MB S03a]](..\imgsrb\th\MB\MBS03a_4781_th.jpg) St. Vital [MB S03a]
![Click to enlarge Wells [SK W02a]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKW02a_4775_th.jpg) Wells [SK W02a]
![Click to enlarge Wolf Creek District [SK W01b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\SK\SKW01b_4779_th.jpg) Wolf Creek District [SK W01b.2]
![Click to enlarge St. Lawrence Region [ON MISC 15a.2]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONMisc15a_4883_th.jpg) St. Lawrence Region [ON MISC 15a.2]
 1964 Camp Tamaracouta
 1975 Brotherhood Camporee
![Click to enlarge 2011 - 11th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Participant [BC JAMB 11a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb11a_4748_th.jpg) 2011 - 11th British Columbia & Yukon Jamboree - Participant [BC JAMB 11a]
![Click to enlarge Credit Valley Region [ON MISC 13a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONMisc13ax_4750_th.jpg) Credit Valley Region [ON MISC 13a.x]
 2011 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp Backpatch
 2018 Scout Brigade of Fort George Winter
 2019 Scout Brigade of Fort George
 2019 Scout Brigade of Fort George Winter
 2016 Blue Springs - Brown
 2016 Blue Springs - Green
 Camp Everton
 1984 Huck Finn Raft Race
 1988 Operation Alert
 1990 Operation Alert
 WJ'19 Canada Good Scouting
 2014-15 Cub Scout Do Your Best
 2003 Owasco Camporee
 2007 14th Oba Challenge Weekend
 Camp Barnard
![Click to enlarge CJ'93 8th Canadian Jamboree Hat Badge [CJ MISC 08-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ1993\CJMisc08-1a_4728_th.jpg) CJ'93 8th Canadian Jamboree Hat Badge [CJ MISC 08-1a]
![Click to enlarge Kerrisdale [BC K04b]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCK04b_4697_th.jpg) Kerrisdale [BC K04b]
 1966 Camp Tamaracouta
 2002 1st Uxbridgce Cubs Winter Olympics
 2009 Apple Day - 4th Orleans
 2009 Camp Opemikon
 2019 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp - Silver
 Camp Opemikon Set
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Archery
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Riflery
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve - Wilderness
 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Rugged Road - Silver
 1969 Camp Tamaracouta
 1970 Camp Tamaracouta
 1973 Camp Opemikon Gilwell
 1999 Huck Finn Raft Race
 Camp In The Rain Save Washing
 CJ'81 14th Fredericton
 CJ'81 Central Alberta Region
![Click to enlarge Gaspe [QC G01b]](..\imgsrb\th\QC\QCG01b_4656_th.jpg) Gaspe [QC G01b]
 Queen's Silver Jubilee
 Camp Everton
![Click to enlarge Cascadia Council [BC 05d.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BC05d_4700_th.jpg) Cascadia Council [BC 05d.2]
![Click to enlarge Chinook-Alberta [AB 06b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\AB\AB06b_4701_th.jpg) Chinook-Alberta [AB 06b.2]
![Click to enlarge Fraser Valley Council [BC 06c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BC06c_4699_th.jpg) Fraser Valley Council [BC 06c.2]
 WJ'19 Canada Sugar Shack
 I Camped at Haliburton Scout Reserve 1994
 WJ'19 AN
 WJ'19 CA
 WJ'19 DI
 WJ'19 NA
 WJ'19 Canada Management Team
 1973 Camp Carter Mad Trappers Trail
 1984 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
 2009 Scotia Jam Zipwire!
 Camp Harris
 Keep Off My Site
 WJ'19 Canada House
 WJ'19 Canada International Service
 WJ'19 Canada Participant
 WJ'19 Canada Washington, DC
 WJ'19 Canada Hosted Hospitality
 WJ'19 Canada Woggle
 WJ'19 Rescue EMS Canadian
![Click to enlarge Aldershot [ON A09a]](..\imgsrb\th\ON\ONA09a_4692_th.jpg) Aldershot [ON A09a]
 WJ'19 Medical Transport Team
 2000 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp - Blue
 2001 Dorchester Intl Brotherhood Camp - Silcer
 2019 Haliburton Scout Reserve
![Click to enlarge 2005 - 1st Central Canada Jamboree Subcamp Batoche [ON JAMB 02-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\ONJamb02-1a_4671_th.jpg) 2005 - 1st Central Canada Jamboree Subcamp Batoche [ON JAMB 02-1a]
 2015 Camp Barnard
 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree
 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Ghost
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Myths and Legends [BC JAMB 13a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13a_4628_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Myths and Legends [BC JAMB 13a]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Myths and Legends - Ghost [BC JAMB 13a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13ax_4633_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Myths and Legends - Ghost [BC JAMB 13a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Olympus Subcamp [BC JAMB 13-01a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-01a_4632_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Olympus Subcamp [BC JAMB 13-01a]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Olympus Subcamp - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-01a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-01ax_4637_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Olympus Subcamp - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-01a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Saga Subcamp [BC JAMB 13-02a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-02a_4630_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Saga Subcamp [BC JAMB 13-02a]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Saga Subcamp - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-02a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-02ax_4635_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Saga Subcamp - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-02a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Subcamp Excalibur [BC JAMB 13-04a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-04a_4631_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Subcamp Excalibur [BC JAMB 13-04a]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Subcamp Excalibur - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-04a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-04ax_4636_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Subcamp Excalibur - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-04a.x]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Valley of the Kings Subcamp [BC JAMB 13-03a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-03a_4629_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Valley of the Kings Subcamp [BC JAMB 13-03a]
![Click to enlarge 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Valley of the Kings Subcamp - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-03a.x]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\BCJamb13-03ax_4634_th.jpg) 2019 - 13th Pacific Jamboree - Valley of the Kings Subcamp - Ghost [BC JAMB 13-03a.x]
 2019 Camp Barnard
 4th Port Coquitlam
![Click to enlarge Nicomekl Area [BC N13b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCN13b_4650_th.jpg) Nicomekl Area [BC N13b.2]
![Click to enlarge North Shore Area [BC N12c.3]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCN12c_4651_th.jpg) North Shore Area [BC N12c.3]
![Click to enlarge Orca Coast Area [BC O01b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCO01b_4641_th.jpg) Orca Coast Area [BC O01b.2]
![Click to enlarge Richmond Area [BC R01c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCR01c_4652_th.jpg) Richmond Area [BC R01c.2]
![Click to enlarge Skeena Area [BC S11b.3]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCS11b_4653_th.jpg) Skeena Area [BC S11b.3]
![Click to enlarge South Okanagan Area [BC S05c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCS05c_4640_th.jpg) South Okanagan Area [BC S05c.2]
![Click to enlarge Three Rivers Area [BC T04c.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCT04c_4639_th.jpg) Three Rivers Area [BC T04c.2]
![Click to enlarge West SurDel Area [BC W07b.2]](..\imgsrb\th\BC\BCW07b_4113_th.jpg) West SurDel Area [BC W07b.2]
 WJ'19 Wild Canadians Moose
 WJ'19 Precamp
 2007-08 Venturers Challenge
![Click to enlarge 1964 - 1st Manitoba Jamboree [MB JAMB 01a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\MBJamb01a_4593_th.jpg) 1964 - 1st Manitoba Jamboree [MB JAMB 01a]
![Click to enlarge 1965 - 1st Quebec Jamboree Neckerchief Badge [QC JAMB 01-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\RegJamb\QCJamb01-1a_4609_th.jpg) 1965 - 1st Quebec Jamboree Neckerchief Badge [QC JAMB 01-1a]
 CJ'13 Manitoba Participant
![Click to enlarge CJ'61 3rd Canadian Jamboree Neckerchief Badge [CJ JAMB 03-1a]](..\imgsrb\th\CJ1961\CJJamb03-1a_4608_th.jpg) CJ'61 3rd Canadian Jamboree Neckerchief Badge [CJ JAMB 03-1a]
 1992 Apple Day
 1995 Apple Day